viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

Rincón MAC - Comenius Corner

Sí, ya tenemos nuestro rincón MAC. Lo podréis ver en una esquina en el vestíbulo del instituto.
Yes, here it is: our Comenius corner. You can find it in the school hall.

Además de mostrar información sobre el programa y sus participantes, esperamos que se convierta en una auténtica ventana a la cultura holandesa.
Apart from showing information about the programme and its participants, we hope it becomes a real window to Dutch culture.

Roos y Marieke se encargarán de irlo actualizando periódicamente.
Roos and Marieke will be in charge of updating it regularly.

De momento podemos ver algunas imágenes de su instituto (Kandinsky College), de su localidad, Nijmegen, y de su país, así como algunos objetos típicos.
For the time being, we can see some pictures of their school, city and country and also some typical objects.

¡Buen trabajo, chicas! Good job, girls!

3 comentarios:

  1. I really like the presentation of Marieke and Ross. It had a lot of information and my favorite part was the final one, with the Dutch class. I had discovered that our educative system is quite similar to theirs, but fortunately they don't have any PAU exam. But I also feel very proud because my parents give money and I don’t need any job.

  2. Hi! Marieke and Ross presentation has been great, I can say that Holland has a different education system to ours and many tests. It's difficult to understand all that.
    The best thing was the small class of Dutch, another day we will teach them Spanish haha.

  3. I like a lot Marieke and Ross presentation. I learned lot of new things. As Claudia and Lidia said, the small class of Duth was fun and great.I have to say that Marieke and Ross work hard to show and explain us new things.In my opinion, they have a better educative system, but I prefer our system.
